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Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold

Miranda Mills finds her life transformed when she marries caring and wealthy computer programmer, Quinton. With a fulfilling career and a loving marriage, psychiatrist Miranda seems to have it all, until her life is shattered when she finds out her husband is nothing but a fake, a liar and a cheat. His abusive behavior causes her to doubt her inner self and everything she believes in. She’s taken an oath to never analyze family, friends, boyfriends or husbands. Until her life went from 1. Me, 2. Husband, and 3. Baby.

Chapter 1


“Work, work, work! That’s all you talk about, Miranda. Let’s talk about why you don’t have a man!”


I rolled my eyes. “And why would I want to talk about a man, Sasha?”


“If you had a man that could occupy your extra time on any given day, you would stop harassing me about what I do,” Sasha replied.


“Girl, please! I don’t need a man to occupy my time. And I sure don’t spend the rest of my extra time harassing you. By the way, when was the last time you talked to Jackie?”


“It’s been a minute, Miranda,” Sasha replied.


“Come to think about it, it’s been a while for me, too,” I said.


“We should have a girls’ night out. Maybe go dancing and after that go get something to eat,” Sasha suggested.

“There’s not many places here in town to go dancing unless we go to a club, Sasha.”


“We can do that, Miranda,” Sasha replied, looking around the restaurant.


“What?” I exclaimed. “Go to a club? You know darn well I don’t do clubs.”


“What’s wrong with going to a club, Miranda?”


“I can name several reasons why I don’t go to clubs, Sasha!”


“I am sure you can, Miranda.”


“So, can we find somewhere else to go?”


“Why don’t we just wait to see what Jackie has to say? I am sure she can suggest a few places to go. For this place to be so expensive, it stays packed. Not an empty seat in here,” Sasha said, looking around the restaurant.


“If I want to eat out, this is always my first choice,” I said. “The menu has a little of everything.”


“Exactly! A menu with a little of everything but for a lot of money,” Sasha laughed.


“I know you are not complaining about the prices for a meal here, Sasha. You make enough money to pay for everyone’s meal in here, including an appetizer and a drink.”


“Here you go again,” Sasha said, rolling her eyes.


“What are you talking about?”


“You always bringing up what I do for a living, Miranda.”


“I have not once mentioned what you do for a living, Sasha,” I said defensively.


“Oh, I know you want to say something. I am sure it’s on the tip of your tongue.”


“See, Miss Know-it-all, it’s not.”


“Yeah, right! If you say so,” Sasha replied.


“You are always assuming you know what I am thinking or what I am about to say, Sasha.”


“That’s because I know you, Miranda.”


“Girl, let’s try to get a hold of Jackie and make plans for a girls’ night out.”


“In other words, let’s change the subject,” Sasha laughed.


I looked around impatiently. “Where is our waiter or waitress? I am in need of something to drink.”


“He or she should be here soon to take our order,” Sasha said, looking in her compact mirror. “Have you decided on what you are eating tonight, Miranda?”


“My mouth is watering for some seafood. I am going to get the specialty seafood platter with two crab cakes.”


“That is a lot of food, Miranda. I thought you was watching your figure?”


“I never said anything about watching my figure.”


“Well, what’s ‘I don’t want that because it has too much grease’, and what about ‘I don’t want that because it has too much fat’ and my

all-time favorite, ‘I don’t want that because it’s fried,’” Sasha teased.


“There’s nothing wrong with trying to eat healthy.”


“Miranda, you are killing me.”


I sighed. “What now, Sasha?”


“Oh, when you say it’s all about eating healthy,” Sasha laughed.


“Yes, that’s exactly what I am saying.”


“Miranda, I thought you was a psychiatrist. You didn’t tell me about your part-time job.”


“I don’t have a part-time job, Sasha, and you know it.”


“Yes, you do,” Sasha laughed.


“And what is my part-time job?” I asked.


“A comedian, Miranda.”


“If anyone is a comedian, it’s you, Sasha.”


“Girl, look, I’m just having a little fun here. Don’t take it personal,” Sasha replied, looking around the restaurant.


“I am not. You just play too much sometimes. Everything is not always about fun and games.”


“Well, I am not trying to be funny now. But don’t look now, you have a guy eyeballing you up and down,” Sasha said.


I leaned forward. “What? Where? Who?”


“I don’t know who, but I do know what and where,” Sasha replied.


“Where, Sasha?”


“He is sitting three tables behind you, Miranda. If you turn around, you’ll be looking directly in his face.”


“Really? Well how am I supposed to see who it is if you don’t want me to turn around?”


“To answer that question, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.”


“And why is that, Sasha?”


“Because, Miranda dear, he’s walking this way. And by the looks of it, he’s coming to you.”


“You better not be playing, Sasha.”


“I give you my word.”


“Excuse me, Miss,” a tall, broad-shouldered, muscular guy that looked like a walking statue said as he approached our table.


“Hello,” Sasha replied.


I looked up to see a tall guy standing there with a teal dress shirt, black slacks, a teal and black tie with silver, diamond-shaped designs,

a black belt with a silver buckle, and black dress shoes looking down at me with big brown eyes, a nicely-shaved face with sideburns to die for, and a well-groomed goatee. He appeared as if he had just stepped out of a magazine.


“Good evening,” I said as I picked up my drink to take a sip.


“I didn’t mean to intrude, Miss, but are you Miranda Mills?”


“Who wants to know?” Sasha asked.


“Don’t mind my friend,” I said. “She’s just being her normal typical self as usual. But in her defense, it depends on who’s asking?”


“Oh, I am sorry. My name is Quinton. Quinton Stevens.”


“I am sorry, but I don’t know you and I don’t recall knowing a Quinton Stevens.”


“If I am not mistaken, you were one of the volunteers last year at the children’s orphanage at Christmas.”


“Yes, I was but I still don’t recall seeing you there.”


“There were so many volunteers there, I am sure you don’t remember me,” he said.


“No, sorry. I don’t.”


“Well, I will let you get to your dinner,” he said. “You two have a good evening.”


He walked in the direction behind me with the nice smell of his cologne following him.


“Why are you eyeballing me like that, Sasha?”


“Who, me? What do you mean?”


“I know that look you are giving me right now, Sasha.”


“If you are aware of a look I am giving you, why don’t you fill me in, Miranda?”


“The look you always give me when a guy comes around us or looks in our direction.”


At that moment, our waitress arrived at our table. “Good evening, ladies, my name is Kim and I will be your waitress this evening. Are you ready to place your order?”


“Don’t look now, Miranda, but I think Mr. Quinton is leaving and he’s headed this way.”


As I was placing my order, Quinton walked past our table and smiled as he headed towards the exit. The waitress took both of our orders and walked away.


“I bet Mr. Stevens will be stalking you after tonight, Miranda.”


“Now, what makes you think he will be stalking me, Sasha? He doesn’t know where I live. He doesn’t know my number or where I work.”


“Miranda, you best believe he will find you and it won’t be hard. He knows your government name. That’s enough to look you up and find you.”


“So, what? That’s doesn’t mean anything.”


“His body language speaks for itself. That strong vibe he gave off earlier when he came to our table. And let’s not forget about the way he looked at you as he was passing our table to exit. He wants you, Miranda. He wants you bad.”


“Whatever, Sasha.”


“You can say what you want. I am around different kinds of guys on a regular, so I should have some knowledge about them.”


“Your way of thinking about a guy is on a professional level. It’s not the same if it’s personal, Sasha.”


“If you say so, Miranda.”


“We shall see, Sasha.”


Sasha and I finished our dinner. As always, I had a lot of food left over. I got a to-go box, transferred the leftover food into the box, closed the lid and placed it in the bag. I paid my tab plus a nice tip for the kind waitress that served us.


Once we exited the restaurant, Sasha and I said good night and went our separate ways to go home.


As I lay in my big sleigh bed all alone yet again, I couldn’t help but think about what Sasha had said tonight at dinner. I had been without a man for so long, it only seemed natural and fair not to have one. I should at least attempt to date again. But yet again, come to think about it, if it was meant for me to be in a love relationship with a man, it would happen.


Instead of thinking about a man, I should’ve texted Jackie about a girls’ night out. Oh, well, it would have to wait until tomorrow morning because it was late and I was tired and sleepy.


Quinton Stevens? Quinton Stevens? I’d heard that name before or I’d seen his name written on something. Quinton Stevens? Quinton Stevens? This was going to drive me up the wall and crazy if I didn’t find out who this guy was. I really didn’t want to close my eyes with his name the last thing on my mind before I went to sleep. It would just be my luck, I would be dreaming about him if I did.



No, not now! The alarm clock can’t be going off right now? It seemed like I just fell asleep. Oh well, I had a full load of patients to see today.


I sat up in my bed trying to get enough energy to get out of it. Once my feet touched the cherrywood floor, I immediately slipped them into my white fluffy slippers. I left my bedroom and entered my full-sized bathroom. I pulled back my shower curtain and turned on the water as hot as I could stand it. I walked in my closet, grabbed a black matching panties and bra set. I walked out of the closet and placed my lingerie on the vanity. I turned on the water, grabbed my toothbrush, rinsed off the bristles and put some toothpaste on it. I brushed my teeth, rinsed my mouth with water and jumped in the shower.


Now that I was so fresh and so clean, I dried myself off, put on my matching black panties and bra, walked in the closet, grabbed a pair of black butterfly sheer black tights and put them on. I then grabbed a pair of wide leg slacks and put them on. Next, I grabbed a black silk blouse with silver small zig-zag lines and put it on. After that, I grabbed my black belt with a silver buckle and pulled it through the belt loops and fastened it. I walked out of the closet and stood in front of the long mirror so I could take a look at myself to make sure everything was right. I walked back into the closet, grabbed a pair of ankle boots with small heels and put them on. I walked out of the closet to the mirror, took another look at myself fully dressed with my boots on to make sure everything was okay. I was satisfied with what I saw, so I went over to my vanity, sprayed my hair with oil sheen and brushed it. I then put on my makeup. I took one last look at myself in the mirror, then walked out of my bedroom into the living room. I grabbed my purse off the end table, grabbed my keys off the key holder, set the alarm, walked out the front door and locked it.


Before I left the house and started my day, I decided to text Jackie to see if she wanted to have a girl’s night out since it was Friday.


Jackie, hey girl. Sasha and I met up last night at my favorite restaurant, of course. We were saying it’s been a minute since the last time we talked to you or seen you. Since today is Friday, how about we meet up somewhere tonight and have a girls’ night out? You just name the place and the time, and we will meet you there. Oh, make sure you text Sasha with the information as well. xoxo, Miranda


“Excuse me, Dr. Mills, you have someone on line four holding for you,” Amy, my receptionist, said over the phone intercom.


“Did they give you a name, Amy?”


“He didn’t say, Dr. Mills.”


“Did he tell you why he’s calling me, Amy?”


“No, Dr. Mills, he didn’t say.”


“We are going to have to work on that, Amy. Whenever someone calls needing to speak to me, I would like for you to get their name and the reason why they are calling me.”


“Yes, Dr. Mills, I will work on that,” Amy said. “I apologize for not asking who it was and the reason why he’s calling. It won’t happen again.”


I pressed the button for line four. “Hello, Dr. Mills speaking, how may I help you?”


“Good evening, Dr. Mills. I hope I am not interrupting you?”


“You are not. I didn’t get your name. How may I help you?”


“Yes, you can help me. This is Quinton. Quinton from…”


“Quinton Stevens? Quinton Stevens from last night, at the restaurant?”


“Yes, guilty as charged! It’s me!”


“How may I help you, Mr. Stevens?”


“I wanted to know if you can have dinner with me tonight?”


“I’m sorry if I come off wrong, but you are calling me here at my office. I don’t mix business with pleasure, Mr. Stevens.”


“I’m not mixing business with pleasure, Miranda. It’s just, I don’t have no other way of contacting you. I Googled your name. Your office phone number and address is the only information that came up. So, I just thought it was alright to call you on this number.”


“Mr. Stevens, I am with patients at the moment. I’m sorry, but I need to get off the phone.”


“No problem, Dr. Mills. Hopefully, I can see you soon.”


“I am not available tonight.”


“It doesn’t have to be tonight, Miranda.”


“I really don’t know when I will be available to go out with you, well, on a date.”


“Well at least I know you are considering going out with me, on a date,” he said.


“What makes you think so, Mr. Stevens?”


“You did say you don’t know when you are available to go out with me on a date,” he replied.


“And you figure that I will go out with you?”


“Yes, Miranda, but not tonight? I will not let such a beautiful woman slip through my fingers.”


“Look, Mr. Stevens!”


“Quinton! Please call me Quinton.”


“No, it’s Mr. Stevens while I’m working. Especially if I am talking to you on this phone during business hours. I did inform you, I don’t mix business with pleasure.”


“I got to have you, Dr. Mills. You sound so sexy just now.”


“Look, Mr. Stevens. I really need to cut this conversation short by saying goodbye. I do need to get off the phone. Have yourself a good rest of the day, Mr. Stevens.”


The nerve of this guy looking me up on the internet and calling me here, at my office, for a date. I wasn’t going out with him. His actions spoke louder than words! It spoke for itself.


All of a sudden, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my office door.


“Excuse me, Dr. Mills, but your last patient is here,” Jessica said.


“Thank you! I will be with them in a minute.”


As I was getting up from my chair, I noticed my cell phone was blinking with a green light, letting me know I had a message. I picked up my phone off my desk, swiped the screen to unlock it and clicked on messages. It was from Jackie. She had replied to my text.


Good evening, Miss Miranda. Or should I say, stranger? A girls’ night tonight will be great. I haven’t seen nor talked to you or that crazy Sasha in a while. This girls’ night is longed for. Why don’t we meet up at your favorite restaurant, let’s say around 8:00pm tonight and go from there? xoxo, Jackie. P.S. I texted Sasha.


I sent her a quick reply before getting my last patient.


Sounds good, Jackie. See you tonight, xoxo Miranda


When I finished texting Jackie, I placed my cell phone in the pocket on my white lab coat and walked out of my office to the door leading to the patients’ lobby. I opened the door and called my last patient.


“Stephanie! Come on back.”


Stephanie got up from the chair she was sitting in, placed the magazine she was reading on the magazine rack and walked towards me.


“Good evening, Dr. Mills,” Stephanie said as she approached me. She was wearing a red, casual mid-length dress with two pockets (one on each side of the dress), that came down just a little below her knees, red pantyhose and red heels.


“Hello, Stephanie. How are you on this Friday evening?”


“Not too bad, Dr. Mills,” Stephanie replied as she walked past me through the door I was holding. I let go of the door once Stephanie was in and followed her.


Stephanie walked down the hallway, taking a left and entering my office with me behind her. She was a regular follow-up patient, so she knew where my office was and where to sit. When I entered my office, I closed the door and sat down.


“What a pretty dress you have on, Stephanie.”


“Thank you, Dr. Mills. I found it at a boutique downtown. This dress also comes in a black, navy blue, hunter green and pink,” Stephanie replied while running her hands across the front of her dress as she crossed her legs.


“Oh really, Stephanie! You didn’t buy every color, did you?”


“Now, Dr. Mills, you have been seeing me much too long to know the answer to your own question,” Stephanie answered while looking around the room.


“Well, Stephanie, I wasn’t sure if you did or didn’t.”


“Yes, I did, Dr. Mills. I also got matching pantyhose and matching shoes to go with them.”


“It’s been a little over six weeks since the last time I saw you. You weren’t due back for another three months. What brought you back so soon?”


“Dr. Mills, I know I have an obsessive… compulsive… personality… disorder.” 


“Yes, that’s correct.”


“I am also aware that I am a neat freak and everything has to be perfect in my book.”


“Yes, Stephanie. That’s also correct.”


“Besides that, I started noticing that I…”


“Yes, Stephanie, go on.”


“Lately, I’ve noticed that I’ve been experiencing some anxiety and slight depression.”


“What makes you think it’s anxiety and depression, Stephanie?”


“You know, some of this and some of that.”


“I really need to know what you’ve been experiencing. What are the symptoms, Stephanie?”


“Symptoms? Experiencing? Well, um, let me see,” Stephanie said as she got up from the chair. “I really don’t know how to explain the symptoms.”


“That’s fine, Stephanie. Just tell me in your own words what you’ve been experiencing. Before you begin, take in a deep breath and just let yourself go.”


“It feels as if I’m having a heart attack. My chest feels like it is about to cave in,” Stephanie said while grabbing her chest. “I’ve been experiencing a lot of heavy breathing as if I can’t breathe, fast breathing, more like suffocating,” she said as she walked over to the window and attempted to look out, but didn’t. “During that time, my chest feels tight with burning sensations.”


“How long have you been experiencing problems with your chest, Stephanie?”


“Oh, about a week now. I knew something was wrong. That’s the reason why I came to see you before my three-month follow-up appointment, Dr. Mills.”


“What else have you been experiencing?”


“It’s overwhelming and exhausting, Dr. Mills.”


“Is there anything else you would like to share with me, Stephanie?”


“Yes, I’ve started worrying about things for no reason at all. For some reason, I’ve started feeling some tension when I’m experiencing all of this,” Stephanie replied as she sat back in her chair.


“Is there anything else you would like to share with me, Stephanie?”


“Yes, Dr. Mills. I’m having restless nights, no interest in going to the gym nor walking on the walking trail by my house. I don’t have an appetite, I have decreased energy like I’m running out of gas. Oh, not to mention, loss of interest in having sex.” 


“Stephanie, I want to see you back on Monday. I need to schedule a little more time with you in order to make a decision.”


“So, what you are telling me? I want be put on medications today to treat whatever is going on with me.”


“That’s correct, Stephanie. I want to see you back on Monday for an hour-and-a-half session.”


“Okay, Dr. Mills. If you say so. After all, you are the doctor.”


“Alright, Stephanie. Follow me to the checkout desk and someone will get you scheduled for Monday.”


“No problem, Dr. Mills. Thank you for always taking the time to listen to me.”


I opened my office door and walked out to the checkout counter with Stephanie behind me. I handed the receptionist Stephanie’s charge



“Stephanie, I will see you Monday.”


“Okay, Dr. Mills. Same place but for a different day and different time,” Stephanie replied while handing the receptionist her credit card to take care of the charges for today’s visit.


I walked back into my office, logged in to my laptop, clicked on Stephanie’s name and filled out the session for today. Once I was done, I logged out and clicked on the power icon to shut it down. I closed the laptop, grabbed my purse, took off my lab coat and hung it on the coat rack. After turning off the two lamps, I walked out of my office, said goodnight to my employees and exited the office.




When I arrived at the restaurant, Sasha was sitting in a booth looking at her phone. She was so busy looking at her phone, she didn’t realize I had walked in.


“Miss, do you have a reservation?” the young girl asked me.


“No, I do not, but I see my friend. She’s already sitting in a booth.”


“Okay, you can go ahead and join your friend,” the young girl said with a smile.


I walked over to the booth Sasha was sitting in and sat down.


“Excuse me, Miss, but are you waiting on someone?”


“Huh, what? Miranda, girl, how long you been sitting there?” Sasha asked, looking up at me from her phone.


“Not very long, Sasha. I just got here. Girl, you look good tonight with your… Wait, do you have on an all- white, tight-fitted dress with black heels? Hair is wrapped with body-body.”


“Miranda, please. You know I always look damn good. So, how was your day with the most popular celebrities?”


“If I told you once and I’ve told you many times, stop referring to my patients as celebrities!”


“Alrighty then, Miranda! I was just kidding around. Don’t get your panties wet, jeez!”


“Let me just get one thing straight once and for all, Sasha…”


“Good evening, ladies! I see some things haven’t changed,” Jackie said, standing there with a black, two-piece, pin-striped pants suit on, black heels and diamond studs in her ears. Her black, wavy hair fell just below her shoulders.


“Well, good evening, Jackie. I am so happy to see you,” I said, getting up and hugging her.


“Hey girl, you are looking good as always,” Sasha said while moving over towards the wall.


“Hey there, Sasha,” Jackie replied, taking a seat next to her in the booth. “What were you two talking about? Or disagreeing about?”


“Oh, your friend Miranda got upset with me as always,” Sasha eagerly replied.


“What did you say for her to be upset with you, Sasha?” Jackie asked.


“She gets mad at me for calling her nut job, ding-a-ling patients celebrities,” Sasha replied while rolling her eyes.


“Why would you call her patients that, Sasha? People can’t help it if they have a chemical imbalance. If you were seeing a psychiatrist,

you wouldn’t want people to talk about you and call you names.”


“It wouldn’t matter to me because I don’t let people get under my skin,” Sasha replied sarcastically.


“I’m sure it would bother you, Sasha. You don’t want me talking about how you make money for a living, but yet you are always talking about people who can’t control the way their brain works.”


“Look, guys, I didn’t agree on a girls’ night out just to hear you two go back and forth about your patients, Miranda, and your clients, Sasha.”


“I guess she told you, Miranda,” Sasha said with laughter.


“Wait, Jackie! You’re the one who asked what we were talking about. As for you, she wasn’t just talking to me, Sasha. She was talking to both of us.”


At that moment, a waitress appeared at our table. “Good evening, ladies. My name is April and I will be your waitress this evening. Are you ladies ready to order?”


“Good evening, April. Can I get a large hurricane and an order of your alligator appetizer? Oh, and can you tell the cook I would like for the alligator to be well done? Thank you, that will be all for now.”


“I will make sure I tell him once I get back there,” April replied with a smile.


“I would like a large margarita with an extra lime,” Jackie replied. “Can I have an order of the shrimp cocktail as well?”


“Will that be all, Miss? April asked.


“Yes, that will be all,” Jackie replied.


“Can I get a tall Long Island iced tea and an order of your crab puffs?” Sasha asked.


“Yes, Miss, you sure can. Let me make sure I have everyone’s order right,” April said. “Miss, you would like a large hurricane and an order of alligator well done. Miss, you would like a large margarita and an order of a shrimp cocktail. Last but not least, Miss, you would like a tall Long Island iced tea and an order of crab puffs. Did I get everyone’s order right?” April asked.


“Everything is right,” Sasha replied.


Okay, will this be on one ticket or do you all want separate tickets for your order?” April asked.


“No, separate tickets,” Sasha replied.


April gathered our menus and left the table.


“So, what have you two been up to?” Jackie asked.


“Same old same old,” Sasha replied, not looking up from her cell phone.


“What about you, Miranda?”


“Jackie, just working. I don’t get out much.”


“What about your love life? Did you finally get a man in your life?”


“What’s up with all of these questions, Jackie? You are asking questions like you are a private investigator.”


“More like someone on 20/20,” Sasha argued.


“I’m just asking because you know the last man you had ended with a terrible breakup, Miranda. I assumed since I haven’t talked to you in a while, you got over him and moved on. I was just wondering.”


“But anyways, Jackie, put yourself in my shoes. If it was you and your relationship ended in a devastating breakup, would you be dating again right away?”


“What about, um, Mr. Slim Shady?” Sasha replied with a sleazy smirk on her face, still looking down at her cell phone.


“Who, Sasha?” Jackie eagerly asked.


“Don’t be paying Sasha any attention, Jackie. She’s just talking,” I said, rolling my eyes.


“Now, you know better than that, Jackie. We were here last night, and this guy kept watching her from his table.”


“Oh, really?” Jackie asked.


“Yes, really!” Sasha answered.


“Then what happened?” Jackie anxiously questioned.


“I tried telling Ms. Know-It-All he was watching her, and like always, Ms. Thang thought I was lying,” Sasha replied.


“I told you last night it was nothing, blabber mouth.”


“So, Sasha is telling the truth, Miranda?” Jackie asked with amusement.


“Of course, I’m telling the truth, Jackie!” Sasha answered. “I’m trying to remember his name.”


“What did he look like, Sasha?” Jackie asked, moving around on her seat as if she was about to pee in her panties.


“Um, he looked like…”


“Good evening, ladies,” a deep voice interrupted. “I hope I am not imposing!”


“Like him, Jackie! He’s the guy, that guy, you know this guy,” Sasha replied, pointing her finger at Quinton.

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